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The following are examples of assignments that I have carried out, to give an overview of the type of clients I have worked with.

Technical Manuals for Leading Petroleum Company

Translation of multiple documents pertaining to underground petrol station fuel storage tanks. Topics include actions and precautionary measures guiding the removal of old fuel, emptying of gas, cleaning, water-filling of tanks, permanent or temporary closure of tanks, routines for the removal and disposal of tanks and related waste, along with texts specifying actions and precautionary measures to be taken to make underground storage tanks safe during petrol station construction work, and further material along these lines.

International Development Cooperation Agency

Translation of documents dealing with varying topics and content, such as general texts on development cooperation, natural disasters and disaster risk reduction, education, democracy and human rights, as well as organisation-related texts and policies, methods documents, internal articles and reports.

CIO Strategy and Deployment Specifications for major government organisation

Technical and communicative documentation for organisation-wide CIO strategy deployment, Information Infrastructure  and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) documentation.

Sea Safety Training and Application for OPITO Approval

Translation of industry related documents within the fields of safety training and personnel and operations development, such as OPITO documents, BOSIET (Basic Offshore Induction and Emergency Training)-related documents, safety courses for the offshore industry, wind power plants and professional seafaring. This involves e.g. translation of documents pertaining to tanker crisis management training, helicopter safety and helicopter emergencies (HUET helicopter underwater egress training), sea survival, emergency landings, first aid & CPR, firefighting and self-rescue, to mention some of the topics.

From IT Start-up to Global Software Provider

One of my long term clients, whom I have supported from start to global product positioning. The assignments consist of a mix of translation, proofreading and editing of primarily market communications related material/collateral, as well as manuals and procedure descriptions for almost all aspects of the operations (sales guides, marketing guides, partner programme documentation and similar).

Travel and Tourism

Translation of documents pertaining to the travel and tourism industry, such as e.g. hotel reports, tour descriptions and industry-related services, with material coming from a vast number of travel companies, hotels and tour operators on several different continents.

Medical research papers of major research institute

Proofreading of medical research papers in various fields, with a recent focus on topics such as childhood overweight and obesity, physical activity in children, women's and children's health and reproductive perinatal care.